Massage therapy vs Chiropractic - do they work together?
Although they are two separate disciplines, both needing a lot of training, there are many similarities between chiropractic and massage,...
Massage - don't wait until you need it!
Are you the type of person who puts off getting a massage? You think that because nothing actually hurts, you don’t need to worry about...
Questions you are too embarrassed to ask your Massage Therapist!
So, you’re sitting in a waiting room, and the thought of the lovely massage you have been looking forward to all week suddenly gives way...
How massage can help fibromyalgia
Being a fibromyalgia or ‘fibro’ sufferer can feel miserable. There is no cure, so all you can do is learn to manage your symptoms as much...
Getting deep into your Fascia
You might have heard your massage therapist talking about working on your fascia and connective tissues – ever wondered what they were...
Massage those regular headaches away!
Headaches can be a real misery and sometimes it can seem as if you’ve tried everything to get rid of them but they just keep on coming...
What to do when you are too sick for a massage
Obviously, we’re all big fans of the healing powers of a good massage, and we love to tell you all about just how good a regular massage...
Top 5 mood boosting activities you can do on your sofa!
It sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? You rarely hear the words ‘mood boosting’ and ‘sofa’ together, but after a long hard day, too many of...
Self care - Looking after yourself in-between massages
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could have a massage every day of the week? Sadly, most of us don’t have the time or the money to indulge in...
Understanding migraine headaches
Migraine is more than ‘just a headache.’ Anyone who has ever suffered from the misery of a migraine will tell you that they can be...